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Judy Kyin
My Specializations
I hold a license in Occupational Therapy and have worked for over 10 years with people recovering from brain and spinal cord injuries. I have a post-professional Masters in Motor Learning and Control, a Diplomate in Osteopathic Manual Techniques, and am a fully Certified Lymphatic Therapist. I specialize in neurorehabilitation and general orthopedic injuries.
My mission is to design and build treatment programs that parallel the beauty, sophistication, and complexity of the human body. The goal is to help people heal towards their highest potential and to continue engaging in meaningful activities that promote quality of life.
Judy Kyin
Benefits of Occupational Therapy
Improve Mobility, Quality of Life and Mental Wellbeing
Decrease Pain, While Building Strength
Get Adaptive Strategies and Equipment
Engage in Proactive Healthcare Planning and Management
"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do."
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